Thursday, July 26, 2012

Blog 4

Blog 4

The catharsis means the purging of the emotions of pity and fear that are shown to the viewer. The catharsis for me I see it happening in the scene were Bob was accused of rape. When Himes writes "Help! Help! My God, help me! Some white man, help me! I'm being raped" (Himes 180). It clearly shows that whatever Bob does in his life he will be always be treated like second class citizen or even as a slave. Also before that when bob was knocking at the door Alice yelled out loud like trying to tell someone saying “Okay, I'll open up, just a minute” (Himes 179). It would seem that she has this all planed out knowing that whatever Bob says to the police the truth or lies they count everything as a lie. It clearly shows the extreme racial tension during the early 40’s. Also in order to regain their sense of white superiority since they lost it after the loss of the civil war, they must attack Bob to regain and to show off their superiority.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hey christian

    reading this was very interestng. i like how you explained it all and i also like the way you used intext citation. however i think you could of definitetly elaborated about more with this novel. if i never read this book as a reader as the audience i would of been lost. talk more about bob and his role in the book to begin your blog then to end it you can end it with this will conclude my blog or you can end with a quote. either of those work. i do like how you explained how life may have been back in the 1040's based on this novel. it alway could be helpful to me as well as any other audience reading your blog if you wrote more. Another thing is i always learned never to start a sentence off with also try another or you can just take it out completely. that can also work.
    reading this was very interestng. i like how you explained it all and i also like the way you used intext citation. however i think you could of definitetly elaborated about more with this novel. if i never read this book as a reader as the audience i would of been lost. talk more about bob and his role in the book to begin your blog then to end it you can end it with this will conclude my blog or you can end with a quote. either of those work. but overall a very good job just can use a bit of tweaking.

    good job christian
