Monday, August 6, 2012

Blog 5

Blog # 5

I believe that the novel Kindred is trying to tell us to never forget the past. Because the way I see is that if we don’t know what happen in the past, it’s bound to repeat itself in the future. But the book is based on a small part of American history, but the part its talks about is the dark side of America. That dark past that still haunts America till this very day is Slavery. Slavery is brutal, and form of business that was common in Ancient times. Slavery became popular and common in southern states, where a man but not any man, but a white man can buy a human being and force him or her to do hard labor in a field so he came get easy money and the person who did all the work gets none. To the people that have to suffer with it had to go with it. One example of this where Butler writes “I never realized how easily people could be train to accept slavery (Butler; 101). But to the white men at that time it was just regular business.  If we don’t learn about this then know in the future this system will come back and it will be much stronger than ever because they will avoid the mistake that was made in the past. I believed that this story is to remind us how the past has a huge effect on us in the present and how it would shape the future.  That is what I believed that this book is trying to say, to never forget the past.